Saturday, August 4, 2012

Marriott Resort & Spa,Miri

I have been very lazy to update my blog because tired of working. I know I should continue my post in Kota Kinabalu, unfortunately I format my laptop and I forget to backup my photos :( Well, I need to be hardworking to update my blog ^-^  Today post is about Marriott hotel in Miri. I love the environment here.
Our room access card
Let see what inside the room. This room is totally different from the room I stay before in Miri ( Previous post)
Our room
Nicely arrange bed
This room is attach with a kitchen. The room even provide cooking facilities and other such as frying pan.
Amenities they provided 

Well, Acura is goldcard member for Marriott so we get free breakfast for 2 ^-^ 
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